今天上课怎么回 (今天上课怎么样英语怎么说)

上海夜店 04-18 阅读:32 评论:0

How was class today?


  • Did you enjoy class today?
  • What did you learn in class today?
  • How did you find the class today?
  • Was the class today helpful?
  • What was your favorite part of class today?


  • Class was great today. I learned a lot.
  • I enjoyed class today. The teacher was very engaging.
  • Class was okay today. I didn't learn as much as I hoped.
  • Class was tough today. The material was difficult.
  • My favorite part of class today was the discussion on the topic.


  • 根据情况选择合适的问法。
  • 回答时要具体、全面,避免简单地回答“好”或“不好”。
  • 可以适当使用肢体语言和语气来表达自己的感受。
今天上课怎么回 (今天上课怎么样英语怎么说)


问: How was class today?
答: Class was great today. I learned a lot about the history of China.

问: Did you enjoy class today?
答: Yes, I enjoyed class today. The teacher was very knowledgeable and the material was interesting.

问: What did you learn in class today?
答: I learned about the different types of rocks and how they are formed.

问: How did you find the class today?
答: I found the class to be challenging, but I also learned a lot.

问: Was the class today helpful?
答: Yes, the class today was very helpful. I learned a lot of new information that I can use in my work.

问: What was your favorite part of class today?
答: My favorite part of class today was the discussion on the topic of global warming.

