今天不上学吗? (今天不上学吗英文怎么写)

上海娱乐 04-18 阅读:43 评论:0


今天不上学吗的英文单词是:Are we off today?


  • Is there no school today?
  • Are the schools closed today?
  • Is it a school holiday today?
  • Is it a day off today?
  • Is it a non-school day today?
  • Are the students off today?
  • Are the teachers off today?
  • Is the school open today?


  • School is out today. 学校今天不上课。
  • There is no school today. 今天没有课。
  • The schools are closed today. 今天学校关门了。
  • It's a school holiday today. 今天是学校假期。
  • It's a day off today. 今天是休息日。
  • It's a non-school day today. 今天是非上课日。
  • The students are off today. 学生们今天不上课。
  • The teachers are off today. 老师们今天不上课。
  • The school is opentoday. 学校今天开门了。


  • Are we off today? 今天不上课吗?
  • Is there no school today? 今天没有课吗?
  • Are the schools closed today? 今天学校关门了吗?
  • Is it a school holiday today? 今天是学校假期吗?
  • Is it a day off today? 今天是休息日吗?
  • 今天不上学吗? (今天不上学吗英文怎么写)
  • Is it a non-school day today? 今天是非上课日吗?
  • Are the students off today? 学生们今天不上课吗?
  • Are the teachers off today? 老师们今天不上课吗?
  • Is the school open today? 学校今天开门了吗?
