探索知识的奇妙之旅 (探索知识的奇妙之旅! 同学们 请问)

上海桑拿 02-10 阅读:67 评论:0


Students, I would like to ask the locals in Shanghai - how do you say "本地人" in English? What is the correct spelling for "native Shanghai people"? How do Shanghai people say "Shanghai people" in English? What is the English translation for "本地人"? The English translation for "本地人" is "Locals".

例句:I am a native of this place; I was born here. 我是本地人。The election committee itself was formed with four women members who were natives. 选举委员会由四名女委员组成,她们都是本地人。

Are you a foreigner? I am a local. 你是个外国人吧?我是本地人。You are not from here, right? 你不是本地人对吧?I am a native of Beijing. 我是北京本地人。

探索知识的奇妙之旅 (探索知识的奇妙之旅! 同学们 请问)

英语中怎样表达"我是某某地方的人"举例:我来自上海或我是上海人。I"m from is my hometown. I"m Shanghainese. or I was born in Shanghai.

